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Saint Paul College A Community & 技术学院

Institutional Effectiveness and Research

在过去的两年里, 改组工作已将规划和赠款责任重新分配给主席办公室和提高和宣传股, 分别. With those changes and in line with best practices in the field, 我们很高兴正式宣布,以前的机构研究的新名称和愿景——机构有效性办公室(IE)。.

我们的社区面临着复杂的挑战和机遇,需要数据来推动创造性思维的发现, 连接, 解释, and informing emergent questions. IE与IT的结合使我们的研究人员能够创造性地探索各种问题,为我们的工作提供信息. 它使我们能够识别和连接来自整个校园的孤立数据,以创建故事,提供更广泛的背景和对我们社区重要主题的更深入理解.

By prioritizing partnerships, 数据民主化, 并将IE与IT结合起来, the staffing plan for IE includes a director, 高级研究员, and support from a shared Administrative Assistant.


在高等教育中,机构的有效性超越了强制性报告,而是利用数据做出明智的决策. 机构效率办公室(IE)和信息技术办公室(IT)之间的合作伙伴关系为数字化转型(Dx)提供了机会,从而改善了学生的体验,并帮助了机构的运营灵活性. While the IE office supports the College’s culture of assessment, the AEI department continues to provide leadership in that area.

在过去的三年里, the value and amount of data collected, 存储, 担保, and extracted at institutions of higher learning has grown exponentially. 曾经明尼苏达州立大学IE/IR办公室可以通过查询ISRS和报告去年发生的事情来满足他们大学的数据需求吗, 上个月, 上周, the SPC community needs more.

Our community recognizes the power of 预测性和规范性分析以及创新研究,将不同的定量和定性数据联系起来,创造出我们学生和机构的三维视图. 通过运用先进的数据管理技术来增强IE部门的研究和分析能力, 安全, 矿业, and architecture found in the Data Services section of IT, the IE Office can more rapidly and sustainably bring research and data innovations to the campus. Key components of this strategy include:

  • 自动化日常任务,为教职员工提供时间来优先考虑和个性化学生的互动和体验;
  • Investing time now to improve efficiencies in the future;
  • Growing a federated network of data users across the institution;
  • Developing talents in machine learning. AI, and predictive and prescriptive techniques.

Here is a sampling of recent projects.

D2L: Supporting intrusive intervention
D2L数据集/数据知情干预项目的目标是提高学生课程的成功率和保留率. 在一次试航中, 第三章顾问使用仪表板来确定并建议那些将受益于额外支持的学生. This project is being made available to other advisors, and we are partnering with other Minnesota State Colleges and Universities to provide, 构建, and share dashboards across campuses.

目前, 大学必须在开课前取消未获得学费支付方式的学生的注册. Working with several departments and IT, 工程学院从报告哪些学生被开除转为预测哪些学生可能受到影响. This change allowed staff to contact students proactively, secure the information needed to prevent the drop, and significantly reduce the number of students affected.

Recurring requests from fourteen areas of the College, which IE previously routinely and repetitively supplied, have been converted to on-demand reports through a self-服务 portal. 这个入口网站, which will continue to be developed, 为组织各级决策提供对接近实时数据的及时访问. As recurring tasks are discovered, the IE and IT staff invest time to automate the process, improving efficiencies and freeing IE staff time to employ their advanced research skills.

The IE department is establishing relationships with other two-year colleges to share resources, 数据检索码, 自动化技术, and report generation skills. 这种资源共享减少了类似校园之间的重复工作,并为研究提供了丰富的数据集.

架构上的努力正在进行,以连接来自校园和专有软件内部的孤立数据存储库的数据点. 这种持续的努力简化了对数据和标准化SQL编码和检索方法的访问,以符合数据设计和结构方面的行业最佳实践. This work provides the robust infrastructure upon which more complex automation, 简化流程, and self-服务 data portals can be created.


Saint Paul College 事实的书 is a centralized collection of information and data about enrollment, 度, 专业, student demographics and student outcomes.

The 事实的书 contains student achievement data disaggregated by credential level (Associate, 证书, 文凭), including retention and completion rates.

The 事实的书 is updated annually by the Office of 制度研究, Planning, and Grants.

All definitions in 事实的书 are in the 数据字典.

Academic Research and 学生 Outcome

制度研究, 计划和有效性每年提供几次总结研究报告,以便为大学利益相关者提供全面和用户友好的资源. The summary reports provided each year vary based on frequency of data availability, schedule of survey administration, and local research projects.

IPEDS比较报告每年更新一次,使用由国家教育统计中心创建的年度IPEDS数据反馈报告. IPEDS collects institution-level data related to enrollment and graduation rates, institutional costs and finances, 教职工数据, 学生人口统计. 在过去的3年里,mg电子试玩app与位于中西部各州的类似机构进行了比较 .

Saint Paul College IPEDS Data Comparisons

学生 Satisfaction and Engagement
mg电子试玩app轮流进行三次全国调查,以更好地了解学生的参与度和满意度. 诺埃尔-莱维茨学生满意度调查衡量了学生对主要校园服务和学生体验的满意度. 社区大学学生参与调查(CCSSE)和入学学生参与调查(SENSE)着眼于学生参与与学生经历和参与促进学生成功的活动或资源相关的学生参与. CCSSE调查关注的是在校学生,而SENSE调查关注的是学生在mg电子试玩app的早期经历.

学生 Right-To-Know: 毕业 and 转移-Out Rates
学生知情权是一项联邦法律,要求所有学院和大学向学生披露某些信息. 学院必须为在mg电子试玩app攻读学位的全日制学生提供毕业率和转学率.

学生s Right to Know - 毕业 and 转移-out Rates

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